Corrections and Retractions
Article Corrections
Authors are encouraged to report errors in their articles. Only errors that impact the article significantly will be considered (e.g. minor spelling or grammatical errors will not be considered). In order to request a correction, authors should write to the Editors of the Clean Air Journal detailing the error and needed correction. If a correction is needed, an Erratum or Corrigendum will be linked to the original article online and will be published in a timely manner.
An Erratum is the correction of an error introduced or not recognized during editing or production, such as mislabelled figures, missing legends, incorrect affiliations. The Author will be given an opportunity to approve an Erratum before publication.
A Corrigendum is the correction of an error found by the authors that impacts the validity or reproducibility of the findings. If a reader finds an error, then they should write a Letter to the Editor, which will be peer-reviewed and sent to the author(s) of the original paper for a response. The Letter and response from the authors will be published in the same issue.
Article Retractions
Articles are retracted if misconduct such as plagiarism, redundant publishing, and falsifying data, among others has been found. In order to determine if an article should be retracted, the Editors will launch an investigation and follow COPE best practice and flowcharts. A notice of retraction will be published and linked to the original article. The notice will clearly identify the article, will be freely available and clearly marked as a retraction. The notice will also include the reason for the retraction and who is retracting the article. The original article will not be removed from online or print versions of the journal, but will be identified as a retracted article as clearly as possible.
Article Withdrawal
Submitted manuscripts can be withdrawn by the authors before final acceptance of the manuscript for publication (i.e. before it is published on line with formal identifiers (e.g. DOI number, volume and page number)). Authors should submit a signed statement to the Editors to request the withdrawal.
If you want further advice about our policy or would like to notify us about the need for a specific correction, retractions, or article withdrawal requests, please send an email to Please give as much detail as possible about errors, including any views on how they might have arisen.